Hi, my name is Pauline!
Welcome to IReallyLikeFood.com my little hub to share my favourite food recipes, cooking guides and travel experiences.
I’m the brains (and the beauty) behind this thriving food blog, which started just 5 years ago, after I retired from my full time job after 36 years as a professional patisserie chef. I absolutely loved my job which is why I retired so late but my love of baking didn’t retire, it’s grown!
I now no longer just bake, I cook a wide variety of dishes and love expanding my own pallet whilst helping you grow yours!
I live just outside of London, with my partner Ged. I have four children but they’re all grown up now so live all over the UK with my beautiful grandchildren – which I have 11 of!

My favorite things in life are sitting down to eat a Sunday roast dinner with all the family (made by me of course), travelling around America and Indonesia and of course cooking.
Why I Love Food?
As i said previously, i’m a professional patisserie chef and have been for over 30 years, but my love of food stems from my upbringing. Sitting and having a meal together every night was something both of my parents insisted on and dinner was always the one meal we spent together.
My curiosity around new foods didn’t come until i left scool and went to catering college. We always had very traditional meals at home like hot pot, chicken casserole – the easy family meals. So when i went to college i was introduced to more varied foods and my passion grew from there.
After college i decided to travel to America, Indonesia and eventually settled in France where i studied at Le Cordon Bleu.
The rest is history, i moved home, got a job in a wonderful bakery in London and settled down to have my four children. Now we are here, creating new recipes, cooking guides and more to share with my readers!

Some Other Things I Love!
Obviously food and cooking are a big part of my life, but it’s not all i’m passionate about, so here is a further insight into my life and the things i love and also sometimes write about.
Travel: My love of food has driven me to explore the world and the various cuisines. I usually go to America once a year with all of the family as there is something to do for everyone – myself and all the adults can indulge in some delicious foods whilst the kids enjoy the theme parks – it’s the perfect family holiday!
Ged and myself also try and squeeze in two holidays a year on our own (the joy of retirement) so we get some alone time to do the things we love to do together – eat!
Home Decor: As i mentioned we live in London and have done for 30+ years but 3 years ago, me and Ged bought a new house which we are currently renovating into our dream house! Of course i will share kitchen designs and must have products along our renovation journey.
Family: My family are the centre of my world, so any opportunity i get to spend with them, i do. Whether it’s a simple day in the park or dinner at Grandma’s, i’ll take any opportunity to spend time with the kids!
Wildlife Park: This is probably my most unusual love in life, but there is a wildlife park that i have a yearly subscription to and i go for a walk there daily! Who doesn’t love fresh air and animals!
So that’s me! I hope you enjoy reading my blog and it pushes you out your comfort zone to create some new and exciting dishes!