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Garlic and Vitamin C: Why They’re Essential & the Best Ways to Eat Them

Garlic and Vitamin C: Why They’re Essential & the Best Ways to Eat Them

Last Updated on 25th August 2021 by

What? Garlic and Vitamin C? You must be kidding me!

You are connecting the smelly garlic with the citrusy fragrance of a mandarin orange!

That’s impossible!

Well, it is not just possible but also a wonderful and healthy combination of foods.

Garlic and Vitamin C

Food Fact: Did You Know That Garlic Is A Rich Source Of Vitamin C?

Isn’t that the shocking thing you have read all day? Garlic and Vitamin C are two of nature’s best medicines that will help you in restoring health, rejuvenate your cells and keep common ailments at bay.

What Are the Benefits of Garlic and Vitamin C?

Here is a quick recap of what garlic and Vitamin C can do for you:

Health Benefits Of Garlic

  • Helps keep gut healthy
  • Good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Selenium and Manganese
  • Detoxifies your body of heavy metals
  • Helps maintain low cholesterol

Health Benefits Of Vitamin C

  • Helps with cold
  • Boosts overall health
  • Prevents skin ageing
  • Reduces inflammation

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Why Are Garlic And Vitamin C Good For Your Health?

When you eat garlic, what comes to mind first would most likely be its healing properties, but did you know that garlic and vitamin C can also help with the ageing process?

Garlic has powerful antioxidant enzyme called allicin, which plays a key role in digestion. When garlic is consumed, the allicin enzymes break down food particles to smaller particles, allowing more nutrients to be absorbed into the body more easily.

In addition to helping with digestion, allicin is also thought to be beneficial in helping to reduce inflammation, improve cholesterol levels, and prevent heart attacks.

These are just a few of the many reasons that garlic and vitamin C have been scientifically proven to have healing and preventative effects.

Another of the many garlic and vitamin C health benefits is its anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. It’s no secret that most bacteria, viruses, and parasites can only survive in clean, fresh environments.

Garlic is naturally rich in allicin and can help to keep it from being killed off by the harmful bacteria. Allicin is also thought to have an effect on human cancer cells and free radicals.

Due to the antioxidants found in garlic and vitamin C, people who consume them are thought to reduce the risk of some diseases.

Some research has shown that there is a correlation between the consumption of garlic and vitamin C and the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

While many people believe that garlic and vitamin C health benefits are purely psychological, these studies have proven otherwise.

Scientists have actually proven that taking garlic and vitamin C daily can have a positive impact on the health of the immune system, as well as brain function.

One of the studies showed that those who ate more than an ounce of garlic every day saw a significant decrease in the risk of depression and anxiety disorders.

Some research has even shown that people who take garlic regularly also tend to live longer lives.

Why Garlic with Vitamin C Works

What do you get when you mix two of the best known, easily available and most potent healthy food items in the world – a killer combination (no pun intended).

When taken together, garlic and Vitamin C will make your food delicious.

It is really difficult to avoid these two substances in food. Garlic and Vitamin C have been used in food since times immemorial and even the ancient Indians, Chinese, Egyptians and Babylonians knew they need these two in their food.

1) Garlic and Vitamin C Are Proven to Reduce Blood Pressure

Together, garlic and Vitamin C can help you in reducing blood pressure significantly.

If you have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure (mildly elevated), then it may not be too late to heal your body with a helping hand from garlic and vitamin c.

Several studies show that when using garlic and Vitamin C together can bring back blood pressure levels to normal for people experiencing the onset of hypertension.

As soon as the researchers removed the Vitamin C and garlic from the diet, blood pressure levels increased again.

Interestingly, adding these two ingredients in your diet isn’t too difficult, and we will tell you how.

2) The Winning Combination Helps Blood Circulation and Sexual Health

There is significant evidence that when garlic and Vitamin C is used by men, it not only helps with proper blood circulation and hypertension but also eliminate erectile dysfunction.

In some people, it can also help with premature ejaculation while in others it could “shorten recover times” between sessions while you are sandwiched between the sheets.

If this doesn’t make you eat garlic and Vitamin C nothing else can.

Ladies! You better start making these awesome mouth-watering garlic and Vitamin C recipes at home and make sure your man eats a bellyful.

What better than having him giving you the time of your life after he has loaded up on all the goodness of these two awesome ingredients.

Recipes with Garlic and Vitamin C to Die For!

Here are two awesome garlic and vitamin c recipes that could help your general as well as sexual health. And mind you! They all taste very delicious.

Roast Veggies with Garlic Infused Oil

Give a garlicy twist to this traditional favourite without even making elaborate preparations in the kitchen.

Simply take the vegetables of your choice or whatever is available in season and dice them in 1/4-inch pieces. The best veggies are carrots, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, squashes, broccoli, cauliflower or anything else that you like.

Take some garlic-infused olive oil (take a few cloves of garlic, slice or thrash them and add to a cup of olive oil) and generously coat your veggies. Add some seasoning of your choice.

The best ones are- oregano and thyme, rosemary and thyme, curry powder, salt and pepper, garlic powder and onion powder and plain garlic powder.

The line on a baking sheet and toss it straight into the oven for 20 minutes. Now, depending on your tastes- whether you like it a lil sweet or sour, add a couple tablespoons of mandarin orange juice + jest or lime juice+ zest and roast again for 10-15 minutes.

If you want, you can simply roast the veggies for 40 minutes and add lemon juice+ lemon zest or mandarin juice + mandarin zest while serving to keep it tasting fresh and delicious.

Creamy Garlic and Vitamin C Dressing

To make this amazing, fresh and well-tasting garlic, you just need ½ cup yogurt and ½ cup mayo alongside 2 crushed garlic cloves.

To make it even tastier, you will need about 2 teaspoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Add 2 teaspoons of mustard powder to add that extra zing. Mix all the ingredients together, add salt and pepper to taste and voila!

You have a fresh, herbaceous and delicious dip for fish and chips.

You can also change the consistency a little to convert it into a fabulous dressing for all your delicious salads throughout the seasons. Now that is one salad that we won’t be able to avoid for long.

Come on! Don’t tell you that these two recipes aren’t exceedingly simple to make. They are just two ways in which you can make your everyday food more scrumptious. Guess what? This flavour never gets old.

Carry a dollop of the creamy garlic dressing and have it with fresh vegetables or fruits or make fresh sides for dinner with our roast veggie surprise.

Is It Beneficial To Eat Raw Garlic

Adding garlic to your food is beneficial but it is thought to be more beneficial to eat raw garlic. It may seem strange but take a look at some of the amazing benefits of eating raw garlic:

  1. Natural antibiotic
  2. Aids digestion and weight loss
  3. Detoxifying – raw garlic reduces the levels of toxins in your body
  4. Lowers blood pressure
  5. Very nutritious but low in calories
  6. Helps recovery from illnesses such as colds
  7. Improves cholesterol
  8. Improves athletic performance

There is an old saying that food is medicine. Make this natural medicine work for you. We always suggest our readers make recipes at home instead of buying supplements from the pharmacy.

While supplements are an easy way to add Vitamin C and garlic to your diet, they don’t provide you the satisfaction of a well-cooked homemade meal.

Meals that you put together from scratch are not just more filling but are more beneficial from wellness point of view as well.

You’ll find plenty more cooking and food inspiration over on my Instagram page @foodireallylike.

Even if you can only cook one meal a day, make sure that you add our special ingredients and simple recipes for a spoonful of taste and health. Good luck!

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Pauline Loughlin
 | Website

I'm Pauline, a mother of four grown children, my passion for cooking stemmed from the joy i get cooking for my family. I love to try new dishes, especially when dining out but creating and sharing my own recipes is my favourite thing to do!


Saturday 5th of August 2023

Thanks Pauline! ❤️


Thursday 7th of November 2019

Great article! I loooove garlic. Anyone interested in this stuff should definitely check out the book Everyday Roots. It teaches you how to replace all the toxic chemicals in your life with healthy organic alternatives. Its completely changed my life and how I feel everyday! :)

Keep up the great content!


Tuesday 14th of January 2020

Thanks Jamie glad you enjoyed it.