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How to Make Seaweed Salad – Korean & Spicy Recipes

How to Make Seaweed Salad – Korean & Spicy Recipes

Last Updated on 23rd April 2022 by

Your first thought when it comes to seaweed may be that it’s disgusting and you don’t want anywhere near you, but hear me out about seaweed salad. This is a nutritious dish, so it has that going for it, but on top of that it can be quite tasty when made well.

Seaweed salad is a delicacy in Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries where seaweed grows plentifully by the shore. The people there have learned to do a lot with seaweed, using it for medicinal purposes as well as in their food.

I want to share with you a method for how to make Japanese seaweed salad and how you can take what may seem slimy and unpleasant and turn it into a healthy, tasty dish.

How to Make Seaweed Salad Recipe

The salad is pretty easy to put together, and it makes a great side dish for rice or sushi. Let me share with you the very few steps needed to make this salad.


  • 50 grams of dry seaweed
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon of awase miso
  • 1 tablespoon of mirin
  • 1 teaspoon of yuzu juice
  • 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of white roasted sesame seeds
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 1 sliced red chilli


  1. You need to start by rehydrating the sea. You can use a sea vegetable salad that is already assembled, or you can combine hijiki and wakame seaweeds. Put your seaweed into a bowl of water for 20 minutes to allow it to properly rehydrate.
  2. As the seaweed is hydrating, you can get the dressing ready. You’re just going to combine the soy sauce, sesame seeds, sesame oil, miso, yuzu juice, mirin, rice vinegar, salt, and chili in a bowl together. Whisk them until they combine, and you should have a dressing with a wonderful scent that is not overly thick.
  3. Drain the excess water out of the seaweed and slice it up if necessary. Then, put it into a bowl and pour the dressing over it. stir everything together and add some sesame seeds to garnish. The salad should be chilled before you serve it.

How to Make Korean Seaweed Salad

This is another fairly simple seaweed salad you can put together quickly, but it uses the Korean components for a differently flavored dish.


  • 1 ounce of dried seaweed (the miyeok variety works best)
  • A dash of salt, to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of dried red chili flakes
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of white sesame seeds


  1. Heat a pot of water until it begins to boil. Add in the dried seaweed to the boiling water and cook for three minutes, without reducing the heat. At that point, the seaweed should become soft.
  2. Drain out the water from the seaweed and squeeze the excess water out. Allow the seaweed to cool off to the side.
  3. Once the seaweed has cooled, you can add in all the rest of the ingredients in seasons and mix everything together. Place your salad into the fridge to chill and serve it once it has become cold.

How to Prepare Frozen Seaweed Salad

If you have frozen seaweed salad, you’ll want to thaw it out before you serve it. Seaweed salad should be served cold, however. It can be placed from the freezer to the fridge until it thaws and then be taken from the fridge to be eaten chilled.

If you’ve prepared seaweed salad fresh from scratch with your own ingredients, it can be stored in the freezer once it has cooled all the way. Some seaweed salad recipes call for you to cook the seaweed, and you don’t want to put it into the freezer while it’s still warm. It can be frozen for several months until you’re ready to thaw it out and use it.

You can use one of the recipes I gave you above for Japanese or Korean seaweed salad and simply store it in the freezer in a freezer-safe container or freezer-safe plastic bag.

How to Make Spicy Seaweed Salad

How would you like your seaweed salad to have a little bit of heat to it? Let me share with you a method for making seaweed salad that’s a bit on the spicy side, and you can add as much heat to it as you want to make it as spicy as you prefer.


  • 1 ounce of brown seaweed
  • 3 ounces of Korean radishes
  • 1/4 of an onion
  • 1/4 of a cucumber
  • 1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 1/3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of hot pepper paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Korean hot pepper flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon of soy sauce


  1. Soak the seaweed for 30 minutes
  2. Rinse the seaweed twice and drain completely. Then cut into bite-size pieces if necessary.
  3. Prepare 6 cups of boiling water.
  4. Peel and wash the radish and cut into long pieces.
  5. Wash and slice the cucumber into long pieces.
  6. Peel and slice the onion.
  7. Blanch the seaweed in the boiling water for 10 minutes for soft seaweed salad. Then, rinse it off and drain it, squeezing out the excess water.
  8. Combine all of your seasonings gently mix.
  9. Add the seasonings to the seaweed, along with the vegetables, and serve. Garnish with sesame seeds.

The hot pepper flakes and hot pepper paste are what make this a spicy seaweed salad. You can leave them out entirely and make a tasty salad that way or add more of them if you want it extra spicy. Now that you know a few ways to make seaweed salad, you may want to give this unique dish try. Once you’ve made it according to one of these recipes, you can make a few adjustments to make it more to your liking.

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Pauline Loughlin
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I'm Pauline, a mother of four grown children, my passion for cooking stemmed from the joy i get cooking for my family. I love to try new dishes, especially when dining out but creating and sharing my own recipes is my favourite thing to do!

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