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What to Have for Breakfast in Winter – Casseroles, Pancakes, Burgers & More

What to Have for Breakfast in Winter – Casseroles, Pancakes, Burgers & More

Last Updated on 3rd December 2021 by

Winter mornings are chilly. If you want warmer mornings, have a heavy, balanced breakfast. Here are some winter breakfast ideas that will keep you warm.

How to Make Breakfast Casseroles

Start your day with a hot casserole bowl. They are delicious and satisfying. You will never go wrong with casserole breakfast. There are many casseroles recipes that you can choose from. The following recipes top the list of best casserole dishes suitable for a winter morning.

Breakfast Casserole Recipes

Sweet Potato and Homemade Marshmallow Casserole

It is just simple. Sweet potatoes and marshmallows. The kids will fight for the dish; you better prepare plenty of it. It is sweet and fulfilling. Prepare it at least once a week for a sweet treat.

Beef Noodle Casserole

Beef noodle casseroles are easy to make. They will not take a lot of your time to prepare; they are suitable to prepare for your kids as they go to school. They will remain alert in class, without shivering and sneezing.

Vegetarian Mexican Casserole

There are plenty of vegan casseroles. The Mexican variety offers you the protein requirement necessary to generate enough warmth. The warmth will take you a long way.

Chicken Tamale Casserole

Chicken in cornbread crust, who would have thought they could make a great combination? This blessing from Mexico is cooks in a skillet, unlike many oven-baked casseroles.

The corn crust gives your casserole a crunchy feel. The other ingredients are mouth-watering and help your body generate heat to keep your warm through the cold mornings.

Loaded Cauliflower Casserole

When you are on a low carb diet, choose to start your day with a cauliflower casserole. The recipe has a delightful flavour. Crispy bacon, sour cream and cheese add taste to the casserole.

Cauliflower substitutes pasta, rice and other carbohydrate ingredients in a casserole dish. Change the flavour of the casserole each time by changing the type of cheese you use while preparing.

How to Make Homemade Pancakes

Pancakes are the Queens of breakfasts. They are the first things that come to mind when someone mentions pancakes. There are plenty of pancake recipes around the world.

3-Ingredient Banana Pancake

Do not do away with pancakes if you are practicing a gluten-free lifestyle. Bananas offer an excellent alternative for flour. Mix your ingredients as usual, but this time does not add flour.

Remember to reduce the liquids (milk). If possible, do away with the milk.

Use bananas, oats, and eggs as the main ingredients. You can add some cinnamon for flavour.

How to Make Vegan Pancakes

Pancakes do not always have to be eggs and milk. Okay, you will still use milk, but plant-based milk. I love using Soya milk on my vegan pancakes. Well, I am not vegan, but I like experimenting with different recipes. The pancakes are so delicious; you would not notice they do not have eggs.

Banana Crepes

Banana crepes are a great treat in the morning. You can choose to include your bananas in the recipe or use them as a topping in your regular crepes, both ways; you will enjoy the great banana flavour.

When you choose to mix the flour with bananas, be keen on the portions. Too many bananas will make the batter stick to the pan while cooking.

Matcha Mille Crepe

Your pancakes do not always need to be golden brown. Add some colour to your breakfast pancakes by including green tea to the recipe. The green colour is attractive and appealing; it also connects you with nature.

Sprinkle some matcha powder to your pancakes to give them a bright green finish.

Irish Potato Pancakes

Irish love everything potato. It is not as dull as it sounds. Potatoes make some delicious and fluffy boxty (potato pancakes). Serve them hot; therefore prepare enough for one sitting.

Breakfast Burgers

People prefer to take burgers for breakfast since they are easy to make. Burgers offer you an easy, delicious, balanced diet. The patty you use determines the name we will give to the burger. That is why you hear of beef burgers, cheese, burgers, and hamburgers. There are other names from methods of preparation and ingredients used.

How to Make Breakfast Burritos

Have your breakfast wrapped. Remember not to include a sweet filling to the burrito or it will not be a burrito anymore. You can have different kinds of meat-based or vegan fillings. Remember to male your tortilla soft trough steaming or grilling. A tough tortilla may break as you force it to wrap your burrito. Here are some examples of burrito recipes you can try this winter.

Spicy Beef Burrito

You can choose to have plain, spicy beef, or mix the beef with beans. I prefer the bean variation because I will not need to overfeed on animal protein. Fresh peppers give a better taste to these burritos as compared to dried ground peppers.

Salsa Chicken Burrito

When we talk of burritos, this is what comes to people’s minds. It is the most popular burrito recipe. You can add other ingredients to the chicken and salsa.

Fabulous Wet Burrito

This is none other than your standard burrito. What makes it different are the generous scoops of sauce and cheese. You can make it wetter by serving with sour cream or guacamole.

Black Bean Burrito

Prepare your black beans with cheese, jalapeno, bell pepper, onions and spices. You will have a quick, vegan-friendly burrito.

Cheeseburger Burrito

Use plenty of cheese and beef to make this mouth-watering burrito. You can experiment with different spices to achieve different tastes.

How to Make Breakfast Quesadillas

Quesadillas are one of the easiest and quickest dishes to cook. Most of the ingredients used to prepare are pre-cooked. For you to choose to make quesadillas for breakfast, you will prepare some of the items in the evening. Alternatively, you can buy them in the stores.

Quesadillas main ingredients are cheese and tortillas. Mexican traditionalists use corn tortillas; they claim corn tortillas are the original ingredient of quesadillas.

Wheat flour became popular since you can make larger tortillas as compared to corn. I will tell you about my favourite quesadillas of all time. However, you should note that there exist many quesadilla recipes that cut across all diets- vegan, keto, Mediterranean, etc.

Beef Quesadilla

I am a beef enthusiast; therefore, this had to top the list of my favourite quesadillas. Utilise the leftover beef fillings from last night’s dinner. You can also make it with fresh minced meat. Mozzarella cheese help hold the ingredients together while giving your quesadilla a soft and creamy taste.

Chicken Vegetable Quesadilla

For the chicken lovers, this is a quesadilla you should try, if you have not done so yet. Use pieces of boneless chicken and vegetables of your choice. Choose any seasoning of your liking and prepare that finger-licking breakfast quesadilla.

Creamy Spinach Quesadilla

Vegans have something to smile about. For the entire vegan quesadilla recipe, I love creamy spinach the most. It is simple to prepare, and the results are hearty, Use plenty of cheese to meet the protein requirement of one serving.

How to Make Breakfast Frittatas

Most nocturnals tend to skip breakfast. Make frittatas your go-to brunch recipe. However, if you are an early bird, you can have your frittatas at 7 AM. They will help you start your day full of energy. I love frittata. I could give you a list of over a hundred ideas if frittatas I have tasted since childhood, but I do not want to waste your time.

The few examples here are to show some great and easy to make frittatas for breakfast. You should know mot that Frittatas are egg-based, therefore not suitable for a vegan recipe.

Potato Frittata

Potatoes are a common ingredient in frittatas. There are a variety of potato frittatas. The difference emanates from other ingredients added to the dish; they could be vegetables or meats.

Plantain Frittata

When you want a change from potatoes, you can use plantains instead. I choose plantains over bananas since they are large. I do not need to use many. Again, plantains have a distinct taste that leaves your taste buds excited.

Bacon and Mushroom Frittata

Go low on starch by substituting the starchy ingredients with mushrooms. Bacon adds on the protein and flavor. Serve it hot on a winter morning. You can have this frittata during summer, but remember to cool it before consumption.

Minced Meat and Potato Frittata

Utilise your leftover minced meat by preparing a quick minced meat and potato frittata. Add some potatoes and seasoning to make it thick and delicious.

Noodle Frittata

Noodle lovers, you are not left out. My children love this frittata too. It is a whole new way to enjoy your noodles. The frittata is more nutritious than plain noodles. The noodles also add some sucrose to the frittata; I am sure you know how your body needs that sucrose.

There are plenty of other winter breakfast ideas that I left out deliberately. They are the common bread, potato, grit, and other recipes. I thought you might have tried them, or they are your usual breakfast recipe.

Winter breakfast ideas are plenty. With enough passion and the right ingredients, you can brighten and warm up your morning with sweet and savoury breakfast dishes.

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Pauline Loughlin

I'm Pauline, a mother of four grown children, my passion for cooking stemmed from the joy i get cooking for my family. I love to try new dishes, especially when dining out but creating and sharing my own recipes is my favourite thing to do!
